Altus’ Saveer Bryant – Athlete Spotlight

High school student athletes put in a lot of time to improve at their sport. But they also have to be at their best in the classroom, because if they do not make the grades, they will have to miss competitions. Saveer Bryant is a wrestler for Altus High School and she says that in […]

Altus’ Noah Tesh – Athlete Spotlight

Athletes invest a lot of time and effort in order to be at the top of their game when they compete. Along with all the work, motivation can also play a big role in their level of success. Noah Tesh has worked hard to become the wrestler that he is today, but he says that […]

Altus’ Hayden Castillo – Basketball Spotlight – Presented by Bar-S

What does it take to be a great athlete? Hayden Castillo says that it takes dedication, discipline, hard work, being able to take correction, being humble, and focusing on yourself and your team instead of what anyone else thinks. Hayden is a sophomore at Altus High School. She participates in basketball, volleyball, track, and National […]

2024-2025 Mangum Tigers Basketball – Presented by Sovereign Bank

MANGUM TIGERS BOYS Coach: John White 23-24 Record: 14-11 The Tigers are looking to build off of last season and play deeper in the playoffs. Head coach John White says that his squad will have solid leadership that will help guide the team. “We are coming off a 14-11 record from the 2023-2024 season, returning […]