Chickasha’s Alexis Wilson
Parents play a big role in the lives of their children. Not only do they provide for them and help them as they grow, but they also influence who their kids will become. Alexis Wilson says that her parents have always been in her corner and she is thankful for them and all they do.
“Two of my biggest role models are my mom and dad,” she said. “They have always been so supportive and encouraging. They have always taught me to try my hardest in whatever I am doing, even when things get difficult.”
Wilson is a senior at Chickasha High School, where she plays volleyball and is a powerlifter. Outside of sports, she is also a member of the National Honor Society.
“ ”The skills that she has as a volleyball player did not just happen overnight. Wilson has put in a lot of hard work, but she says that there is more than just the work to get where she is.
“To be successful in volleyball is to trust your teammates, knowing that they will be there and do their job to reach the end goal of winning,” she said. “Something that motivates me is striving to be the best person I can be in whatever I am doing.”
She works to be successful on the court, but Alexis is just as focused at excelling in the classroom also. But as an athlete, she has to be mindful of her priorities.
“To balance my school work along with the other activities I am involved in, I have to be very considerate with my time management and always be on top of things,” she said.
As a student in the classroom, Alexis has had a lot of teachers that she has liked, but has one that has been influential.

“The teacher that has made the biggest impact on my life is coach Peschl,” she said. “I have known him since sophomore year and since then he has always been so encouraging, helpful and kind and not only as a teacher but as a person.”
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