9 Questions with Weatherford’s Braelee Epp – Presented by Recker & Recker, PC Attorneys At Law

VYPE: What grade are you in and what sports do you play? Braelee: I am a junior at Weatherford. I play volleyball, basketball, soccer, and I run track. VYPE: What position do you play? Braelee: I am the libero and setter in volleyball, point guard and shooting guard in basketball, striker in soccer, and in […]
Weatherford’s Mom of the Month – Jamie Nelson – Presented by More than Medicine

Parents of high school athletes do their best to be there to support their kids when they compete. While it may not always work out perfectly, it helps to have a solid support system that can help fill in when needed. Jamie Nelson says that she does her best to be there, but when she […]
Weatherford’s Mom of the Month – Renee Lee – Presented by Recker & Recker, PC Attorneys At Law

Renee Lee is a 1990 graduate of Weatherford High School. She has three sons, two of which have graduated from Weatherford, and one who is in his senior year. She says that she is proud to raise her sons in the school system that she graduated from because of how the community is always there […]
Weatherford’s Mom of the Month – Debbie Sage – Presented by Corn Heritage Village & Rehab

Parents play a vital role in the success of their children. Not only do they provide for them and help them along the way, they also teach them numerous life lessons including getting done what needs to be done. Debbie Sage is the mother of four. She and her husband, David, have worked hard to […]
9 Questions with Weatherford’s Lilly Ray – Presented by CJ’s Southwest Tire

VYPE: What grade are you in and what sports do you play? Savannah: I am a junior at Weatherford and I play tennis. VYPE: What has your sport taught you that you use in your daily life? Savannah: To be patient with others VYPE: Why are you passionate about your sport? Savannah: I enjoy encouraging […]
9 Questions with Weatherford’s Nathan Lee – Presented by More than Medicine

VYPE: When and how did you first get into playing your sport? Nathan: I started playing as soon as I could play really. My parents had my older brothers play as kids and my oldest brother played all throughout High School. I remember wanting to do the same thing he did as a kid so […]