Altus’ Vanessa Vuittonet – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Jackson County Ortho

High school athletes have a lot of role models that they can look up to as examples of who they want to become. For some it could be a professional or college athlete, while others may look up to a celebrity or musical artist. But for Vanessa Vuittonet, the people that have the most influence […]
Altus Area Fans Choice – Presented By Bar S Foods

Quarterback Remington Laughlin – Mangum Coming back from a torn labrum, Remington has added 15 pounds of muscle in the offseason. He has a strong arm but can also be a threat on the ground as well if necessary. Running Back Johnny Fernandez – Tipton Johnny makes up for his lack of size with a […]
Altus’ Jana Cobb – Teacher Spotlight – Presented by Jackson County Memorial Hospital

Sometimes life has a way of working things out for us in ways we do not expect. There are times when we do something that does not seem like much but then it turns into something that changes our life. That is the case for Jana Cobb. “I became a teacher out of necessity,” she […]
Altus’ Colby Webb – Teacher Spotlight – Presented by Jackson County Memorial Hospital

Colby Webb is a teacher at Altus Junior High School. As an educator, he knows that he is there to teach his students. And while it can be tough or stressful at times, you have to search out the positives. “I enjoy every day being a new opportunity to be around kids that want to […]
Lindsay’s Manuel Aquero – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by MidAmerica Technology Center

The decision of what to do after high school can be a tough one to make. But getting a headstart on your future can be very beneficial. Manuel Aguero is a student junior at Lindsay High School, but he also attends Mid-America Technology Center. When he heard about what they offered, he knew he had […]
Anadarko’s Alejandro Zamacona – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Samatha Wallis – Shelter Insurance

VYPE: What grade are you in and what sports do you play? Alejandro: I am a junior at Anadarko and I run cross country, wrestle, and play baseball. VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation, where do you go and who do you take with you? Alejandro: I would go to the […]
Anadarko’s Libby Stone – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Samatha Wallis – Shelter Insurance

Softball isn’t just a sport for some athletes. For Libby Stone, it’s an integral part of life. Libby has been participating in softball since she was four years old. From the moment that her parents introduced her to it, she was in love. Libby is a senior at Anadarko High School and also participates in […]