At the Clinton at Elk City football game, Elk City Principal Jamie McClure was presented a check for Science and Math education for Elk City High School by the people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas. OERB’s Nick Archer was also in attendance for the presentation.

This support will be benefiting Elk City STEM programs and teachers. Alan Burdge is one of the staff members benefiting from the donation.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your hobbies, your passions.
I am an 8th year high school teacher who loves science, football, and tabletop gaming, and I have been lucky enough to get to teach students in all three areas. At my previous schools, I worked as a football coach, with some other sports mixed in here and there. I currently run a Game Club during lunch at Elk City High School.

What classes do/did you teach?
I currently teach Physical Science, but I have also taught Chemistry, Anatomy, and even Algebra 1 at different points during my career.

Where did you go to college and what led you into teaching/who mentored you into the educator you are today?
I attended the Universty of Oklahoma in Norman OK, where I received my Bachelor of Science degree. I pursued this path because during my youth, my mother worked as a spanish tutor at an elementary school and had since become a 2nd grade teacher. Helping out at her school during summer school and after school programs when I was in junior high and high school instilled the joy of working with children in me and started me down the path of becoming an educator myself.

In addition to my mother, I absolutely loved the way my high school teacher, James Cooksey, approached teaching. I had him as an instructor for all three years of high school, and he instilled a love of science in me. Along the way from Mr. Cooksey’s class to now, I have had some amazing professors and peers that have made me into the educator I am today including Dr. Harper, Dr. Sam Husky, Kelly Thompson, Misty Meysing, Grant Potter, and the staff here at Elk City High School.

What do you love about teaching?
There is so much to love about teaching, but I think the thing I love the most is getting to work with today’s youth and see the creativity, drive, and perseverance they have, as well as, help to foster and grow those aspects in them.

What is great about your current school?
Elk City High School is full of caring educators, admin, and support staff that all have the success of all students on their mind. It is so enjoyable to work in a school where everyone shares this goal and is willing to bring their skills and expertise to the table in order to give every student the highest chance of success.

The People of Oklahoma Oil and Natural Gas are committed to supporting STEM education. Why is teaching Science and Math so important?
I love teaching Science because it is something that students get to learn by working with their hands. It develops and promotes critical skills they will need in life, such as problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity.
