Q&A with Elk City’s Bryce Mouse – Presented by Great Plains Bank

VYPE: What grade are you in and what sports do you play?

Bryce: I am a senior at Elk City and I play baseball.

Who inspires you?

I’d say Jesus inspires me because He showed the perfect example of how to love and treat others while also displaying the most selfless act in human history by dying an innocent death to pay for the sins of everyone who has and will ever wrong Him. 

What accomplishment or memory are you most proud of?

I am most proud of pitching a complete game in the Super Regional last year which sent my team to the state tournament.

What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?

The teammate that has left the biggest impression on me thus far is Cooper Church. He displayed how to be an exceptional leader. He continues to display how to stand firm on your beliefs and not let peer pressure change who you are.

What is your favorite part about representing your high school as an athlete?

My favorite part about representing my High School as an athlete is that I have a platform to leave an impression on other’s views of how Elk City High School’s students are and what we stand for.

Who is your favorite teacher from any grade?

My junior year AP Language and Composition teacher, Mrs. Manning, was my favorite teacher because she helped me progress the most in high school by putting heavy effort into investing in her students and making her class very beneficial for all aspects of writing and grammar.

Are you involved in any other activities?

I am heavily involved in my school’s FCA and FCA throughout the state of Oklahoma. I serve as the co-president at my school. I am also in the National Honors Society, Senior Class Committee, and Student Council.

What is your all-time favorite meal?

My all-time favorite meal is Chicken Fajitas from Chuy’s, but daily I love basic ground beef with some avocado.

Here is your chance to give a shoutout or say thank you to anyone you wish.

I would like to thank my parents, Boyd and Kristi Mouse, for always being supportive and helping me. I would like to also thank my Coach Taylor Varnell for the effort he puts in to help me reach my goals in baseball.

The best advice anyone has ever given me was my mom telling me to trust God’s timing and trust God when He says in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” This has been a huge help in my life knowing that my ways and what I always want in the moment is not always God’s will for my life. It gives me confidence knowing that He is going to work everything for good in my life no matter what happens. It gives me the ability to let go and just trust God.

I’d love to go to Switzerland and I’d take my brother and a couple of my best friends from my hometown. They would just need to be more patient to climb a mountain, unlike last time in Arizona.

The professional athlete I look up to is C.J. Stroud because he always makes sure to give all the glory to Jesus before anything else.