Q&A with Clinton’s Rhylee Rodebush – Presented by TH Rogers Lumber Company

VYPE: What grade are you in and what sports do you play?

Rhylee: I am a freshman at Clinton High School and I play basketball, softball, and I run track.

VYPE: What accomplishment or memory are you most proud of?

Rhylee: Scoring 31 points in an eighth grade basketball game or hitting two home runs in my second varsity softball game.

VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you?

Rhylee: Addison Littke because she taught me to be a leader to underclassmen and to keep calm in crazy situations.

VYPE: Who is your favorite teacher from any grade?

Rhylee: Mrs Griffith, my eighth grade math teacher. She helped me understand math and she is just a kind person and fun to be around.

VYPE: Which professional athlete do you look up to?

Rhylee: Kobe for his amazing ego and confidence that he was the best and that no matter who was up against him, Kobe was going to win.

VYPE: What is your all-time favorite meal?

Rhylee: Homemade macaroni and cheese.

VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation, where do you go and who do you take with you?

Rhylee: I would go on a cruise to the Bahamas with my family.

VYPE: Are you involved in any other activities?

Rhylee: FCA and the Key Club

VYPE: Here is your chance to give a shoutout or say thank you to anyone you wish.

Rhylee: My dad for helping me learn and grow, Poppi Don for showing up to every one of my games, my mom for listening and pushing me to be the best, and my grandpa for always watching my games online and telling me what I need to fix.