It takes a strong work ethic to succeed in life. This is a lesson Elk City High School senior Jacee Baker learned while playing softball.
Softball is a mental game. Keeping this in mind, Jacee follows advice to keep herself focused. “The best advice anyone has given me is that you have to stay out of your head and just play the game like you know how,” she said.
Addison Walker is the teammate who leaves the biggest impression. “She showed me that you have to work hard and that it is okay to have your bad days as long as you pick yourself back up at the end of the day,” said Jacee.
Student-athletes represent their high school and the community. Jacee enjoys seeing the community come together to support her team. Her favorite memory is playing in the state semifinals as a freshman.
These accomplishments promote school spirit, but the day-to-day memories made with her teammates are her favorite part about being on a team. “No matter what, I always have someone to have my back and be there when I need them,” she said.
Jacee was five when her dad introduced her to softball. “I am passionate about my sport. I started playing at a very young age and have loved it ever since. That makes me want to keep playing,” she says.
Her parents are an important influence in her life. “My parents inspire me because no matter what happens they always make sure to push through and move on with life,” Jacee said.
Friends and teachers have also supported Jacee. Peyton Baker is a teammate who left a big impression. She credits Peyton for making her the player she is today. Her favorite teacher is her Algebra II teacher, Mrs. Snider. “She is my favorite because she always pushes me to do my best and she always shows up to our games supporting us,” said Jacee.
Away from the softball field, Jacee says her dream vacation would be traveling to Greece with her family. She loves the outdoors and enjoys hunting. When it comes to food, she says her all-time favorite meal is crawfish boil with crab legs and shrimp.
Jacee is a member of the National Honor Society and Student Council.