Gunner Coffey is a senior at Elk City High School and he is a member of the school’s band. To be the best they can be, Gunner and his band mates devote a lot of time, energy, and sweat in order to be ready.
“We wake up every day, Monday to Friday, from the end of July when it’s 105 degrees outside until the end of November when your fingers are so cold that touching your metal instrument hurts,” he said. “We go from marching season in the fall to concert band in the winter and spring. Just the sheer amount of hard work it takes for a marching show is enormous. The leadership here is both student-led and director-led. Elk City is extremely blessed to have such strong leadership. Both on and off the field.”
Coffey has participated in band for eight years. He says that it became clear what he wanted to do when he was in elementary school.
“On the first day of fifth grade, all the students go into the band room with the band directors. While the head director was talking about how educational the band is and how much fun it was, I saw a high schooler job shadowing one of the directors, and I heard that high schooler play. This moment opened a door for me. I saw what dedication and practice did. I saw what you can do if you try and believe in yourself.”
Gunner has had some big influences in his life, but none have been bigger than those closest to him.
“My parents are my role models,” he said. “My mom has always been there throughout all my years. She has seen me learn, grow up, and succeed, and with this last year she will watch me leave for bigger and better things. My father is the best teacher I have ever had. He has been the one to teach me everything I know to succeed in life, and I’m deeply grateful for that.
Outside of band, Coffey is also involved in the National Honor Society, trapshooting, and e-sports.