Angela Wyatt’s life as a sports mom revolves around her daughters and the time she spends supporting their athletic journeys. “I enjoy all the quality time I get to spend with my girls doing what they love,” Angela shared. “My husband Jay and I have literally chased our girls all over the country watching them play softball and basketball.”
Angela’s dedication to the Elk City programs stems from her love for the community and the people within it. “Elk City is an amazing place to raise a family,” she said. “Over the years, our girls have been blessed with some awesome coaches. We want the programs to be a success, not only for my girls but for all the kids. Our family definitely bleeds ‘brown and white.’”
Her involvement in the athletic programs started when her daughters were very young. “Our kids started playing little league softball and basketball as young as three years old,” Angela explained. “I was asked by another mom, who had older kiddos, if I wanted to be a part of the booster club. I was excited to help in any way I could, and I guess you could say the rest is history. Jay and I have been an active part of the basketball and softball booster clubs ever since.”
For Angela, being present in her daughters’ athletic experiences is vital. “When my girls look over to the stands, I want them to know that I’m here. I’m here for the wins, the losses, the hugs, and the high fives. I want them to know that I am so proud of them. I’ve watched them accomplish things that I could never do!”
Though humble about her contributions, Angela knows that success comes from the entire community. “The booster clubs are filled with amazing moms, dads, aunts, uncles, and grandparents that show up for our athletes! Elk City has some of the best fans to be found anywhere. Our town shows up for our kids.”
Reflecting on the sense of community, she said, “I’ve watched over the years as some mommas have loved my girls as if they were their own. I’ve tried to do the same for their girls too. A kid needs a Gatorade, the closest parent grabs it. It’s all about TEAM, even for the parents.”
Angela expresses gratitude for the families she has met along the way. “The kids they play with, well, those kids and their families become family. You get really close to those families because you spend a lot of time with them—countless hours on the softball fields or in different gyms all over the place. There are so many special moms and dads over the years that have poured into making Elk City sports what it is today.”