Wes Miller doesn’t just teach math at Clinton High School—he lives it. “It’s in my DNA. I am not ‘a’ teacher, I *am* teacher,” Miller said, summing up his passion for the profession. Now in his third year at Clinton, Miller teaches AP Calculus, AP Precalculus, Algebra 3, and Honors Algebra 2 to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. But for him, it’s not just about equations and formulas; it’s about building confidence and pushing students beyond their limits.
One of Miller’s guiding principles is setting high expectations. “Keep your expectations high. Students will fulfill your expectations, whether they are high or low,” he advised. He believes that students should never feel limited by their teacher’s abilities.
“I enjoy raising the self-esteem of my students… It is my responsibility to inspire them to learn, show them everything I know, and then watch them surpass my abilities. I should never be the limiting factor in their education,” he added. His approach has clearly paid off, as last year’s valedictorian thanked him for transforming a once-hated subject into a passion and future career.
Miller’s enthusiasm isn’t confined to the classroom. He holds the record for the most students to pass the AP Calculus test in one year at Weatherford, with 13, and hopes to surpass that record at Clinton. Additionally, he coaches the school’s academic team, which had its most successful year in history, qualifying for NAQT state and earning five first or second-place plaques.

Outside of teaching, Miller is an active competitor in the Oklahoma Senior Games, boasting 52 medals over the past eight years. He participates in triathlons, duathlons, and even coaches Clinton’s distance runners. “We are having great success this year,” he noted, as his coaching role continues to expand.
Additionally, his wife Regina, two children Nathan and Erin, and four grandchildren, Hannah, Abi, Lane and Noah are his support system, keeping him grounded and able to pursue his passions.
Whether in the classroom, on the track, or in competition, Wes Miller brings the same dedication and drive to every endeavor. Voted Clinton’s Teacher of the Year in 2024, he continues to inspire students and athletes alike, always striving for new heights.