Clinton High’s Ayden Crumley is really focused on his senior year more so than a lot of athletes for a number of reasons. As a standout basketball and baseball player, Ayden was on a roll his freshman year. But playing football, he suffered a major shoulder injury that ended his football playing days and forced him to miss his freshman year of basketball which was a crushing blow for the southpaw guard/forward because it meant not getting to play with his twin brothers Jackson and Harrison who were seniors that year.
“My brothers and I played a lot in the backyard growing up and I hated it at the start because I was always too small to do anything to them but that really stirred up the competitiveness in me,” he laughed. “But when I got hurt it really sucked because even as a freshman, I knew I could get at least some playing time with them.”
He did get to play a little baseball with them that year as he came back from rehab. He played both sports his sophomore year but during summer ball, he re-injured the shoulder and missed out on basketball his junior year. So this senior year means a lot to him.
“I’ve known Ayden since seventh grade and it’s been cool to watch him grow and mature as a person and an athlete,” said basketball coach Mark Seiter. “He’s a great example of what a senior leader should be. I think he learned a lot watching the game from a different perspective on the bench last year. I think he’ll probably be our top rebounder, and I think he’ll shoot in the mid to upper 30 percent on 3-pointers.”
Ayden himself has set some goals for this year as well.
“In basketball I’d like to have at least a couple of 20-point games and in baseball I’d like to hit at least .400 and throw at least 85 mph. I’m motivated by my mom, my girlfriend and my baby daughter and want to do well this year for all of them.”
They’ll all be cheering him on this year and after high school, Ayden plans on pursuing a career as an electrician.