Clinton’s Arlena Kirkendoll – Basketball Spotlight – Presented by TH Rogers Lumber Company 

VYPE: Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got started in your sport?
Arlena Kirkendoll: I’m very attentive, energetic, affable, and ambitious. I love doing sports, something I’m
really passionate about. My mom pushed me to give it a try and I’ve grown to really like it.
Basketball has always been a love hate sport but when played right it’s really enjoyable.
VYPE: What inspired you to play your sport, and who are your biggest influences?
AK: My cousin’s Carmella’s passion for basketball really hit me. Seeing how much joy and
dedication she put into the sport made me want to give it a shot too. It’s so awesome how
someone close to you can inspire you to try something new and exciting like basketball.
VYPE: How would you describe the team’s chemistry this season?
AK: It’s pretty unique chemistry. We all learned to understand and respect each other as a
team and as individuals. We like to do team bonding activities and strengthen our bonds
with each other.
VYPE: What is your specific role on the team, and how do you prepare for it?
AK: To encourage my teammates as well as myself, and also to be a great defensive player.
It helps to benefit the team. I prepare by taking some time to myself and praying before I
get on the court.
VYPE: What are your goals and hopes for this season?
AK: My hope for us this season is to really lock in, and to go our hardest not only for
ourselves but teammates especially our seniors.
VYPE: What does a typical week of training look like for you?

AK: A week of training is mental toughness to push through it. A lot of fast paced shooting
drills, Some free throw breaks, and a whole lot of defensive training. Also a lot of
scrimmages against each other.
VYPE: What has been the most challenging moment in your sports career so far, and
how did you overcome it?
AK: I feel like running hurdles in track is a very challenging thing for me, because it takes a
lot of faith in your ability to jump over it and still run full speed. I’m kind of still working on
it, but I have gotten a lot better with it by practicing it on my own.
VYPE: Can you share a highlight or memorable moment from last season?
AK: When we went to Weatherford for this tournament, everything just flowed so
smoothly. I can’t remember every detail in it, but I do remember the game was good.
VYPE: Where do you see yourself in five years, both in sports and outside of it?
AK: I see myself in college studying for my bachelors and doctoral degree. I do not see
myself doing sports, but that could always change. If I were to do sports I would be in
college for Track either throwing or running. Going to LSU.
VYPE: How important is community support to the team, and in what ways does it
impact your performance?
AK: It’s really important that people keep us hyped during any game. So we can give the
players that are playing confident boosts. Cause we play on how the crowd cheers for us
whether we know it or not.

VYPE: What advice would you give to younger players aspiring to play high school

AK: Don’t give up. You’re gonna have to do things in life that you wouldn’t wanna do, but
have to anyway. Not everyone’s your enemy. Everyone has bad moments.
VYPE: Who do you look up to as a role model, both on and off the field?
AK: I feel as if I look up to anybody older that is doing stuff correctly. Because usually older
role models tend to be more persistent.
VYPE: What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of sports?
AK: I like to go out and eat with my girls or just hang out in general. I like to play pickleball
outside with my mom. I also really enjoy playing Roblox with my little brothers.
VYPE: Looking back, what are you most proud of in your sports career at your
AK: Getting the amount of metals I did. Progressing in each meet I went to.
VYPE: Is there anyone you’d like to thank for supporting you throughout your
AK: God first and foremost. But I would like to thank my mom and my granny. They’ve
always been my number one supporters through all my sports. The pep talks from my mom
before practicing and before a game. Because I don’t think I’ll be doing the things I’m doing
today if it wasn’t for them.
VYPE: What are your plans after graduating from high school? Are you considering
playing sports in college?
AK: I really wanna be a neurosurgeon, so I hope to be at med school.

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