Amy Crumley is a Clinton High School alum who played college basketball at OSU and came back to Clinton where she coached and taught for 12 years. She got married and has three sons, Ayden, who is the youngest and is a senior this year, and twins Jackson and Harrison who are now in college. All three boys played basketball and baseball in high school and Amy has been involved in booster club activities for several years.
“As a former coach, I knew how important the booster clubs are to supporting athletics. When the twins were sophomores, we didn’t have many parents that wanted to do a bunch of stuff, so I inherited it because no one else wanted to do it and I’ve been with it ever since. I was president until last year when I passed the torch and became treasurer. We’ve gone from just having three or four active parents to a group of 12-14 which is great and makes getting everything done a lot easier. We all kind of divvy up the work of raising money and working with the business community and I’m pretty active in the community and know a lot of people so that makes it easier.”
During this time, she has also had to be a support for Ayden who has suffered more than his share of injuries.
“He got hurt playing football his freshman year. He was having a phenomenal year and was looking forward to playing basketball with his brothers who were seniors then when he didn’t get to, that was hard. Then he reinjured the shoulder and had more surgery the summer before his junior year and missed basketball again that year. I’ve felt so sorry for him.”
For parents who are getting ready to get into the high school sports scene in the future, Amy has this advice.
“Get as many parents involved as possible because it’s a lot easier to get everything done and cuts down on any drama involved and I can tell you as a former coach how important a strong booster club is to the success of a program.”