Clinton’s Addison Newcomb – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Jeff Carlisle – Oklahoma Farm Bureau

Few high school students will say their best memory is of 5 a.m. practices. This, however, is the case for Addison Newcomb. Several softball girls could not make afterschool practice on Fridays because of cheerleading. They convinced the coach to let them practice every Friday morning. Looking back, it may not have been the best idea. “The practices were so funny because we were all half asleep!” she laughs.

Addison is a senior at Clinton High School. Representing her school as a student athlete is about more than being successful at a sport. It is about having great sportsmanship on and off the field. “It doesn’t take much to show a little act of kindness. I want people to see us as great athletes who have high spirits and a healthy environment,” she said.

Injury took Addison out last season. A serious hit from the pitcher during the Bethany game broke her wrist, forcing her to sit-out more than half the season. Valuable advice helped her stay motivated. “Softball is a game of error. You will make more mistakes than any other sport. The best thing is to take a deep breath, let it go, and tell yourself ‘I’m ready for the next one,’” she recalled.

Addison’s faith keeps her strong. “No matter how many mistakes I make, God still loves me, and he is the most important thing in my life,” she said.

She looks up to The University of Oklahoma softball team. They have love for the game, and a strong relationship with Christ. “I truly believe that is the reason they are so successful!” she says.

Grace Meacham is a teammate who inspires Addison on and off the field. Good day or bad, Grace is at practice always working hard. Kambree Davis leaves the biggest impression. She is a great athlete who remains humble. Kambree is the first to pick up a struggling teammate.

Addison thanks Baily Leatherman for having confidence in her. “All it takes is one coach to believe in you and she absolutely believed in me. She made me a better athlete physically and mentally,” she said.

Addison wants to go to the beach with her entire family of five. “It’s hard to travel now since both of my brothers have moved out for college, but I would definitely pick my family over anyone,” she says.

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