VYPE: How long have you competed in cross country?
Miller: I have ran cross country since seventh grade.
VYPE: What first got you interested in the sport?
Miller: I was going to play softball, but I broke my arm. I picked cross country because I
could practice all summer without having to use my arm, I could just run.
VYPE: In your opinion, what is the best part about playing sports in high school?
Miller: The best part of high school cross country is the bond the teammates have. You
really get to know each other on those long runs. The girls make every practice fun and
100% worth the fatigue.
VYPE: What is your favorite memory competing?
Miller: It’s a little tradition to go to Jimmy’s Egg as a team after our home race. The girls all
take “creamer shots” from the cup of free creamers. These are always some my favorite
memories with the team.
VYPE: What motivates you to be your best?
Miller: I am motivated because I like feeling proud of myself after completing a run.
VYPE: Which teammate is the class clown? Who is the leader?
Miller: Our class clown is definitely Harleigh. Our leader is 100% Ava Miller, she is the
backbone of our team.
VYPE: Do you have a favorite professional or college athlete to watch?
Miller: I do not for cross country, however I do enjoy watching soccer. Messi has always
been my favorite professional athlete.
VYPE: Is there anyone you look up to as a role model, and why?
Miller: I actually look up to Ava Miller a lot. This girl gets through everything and still has a
smile on her face in the end, without fail.
VYPE: What are your plans after high school?
Miller: I plan on attending the University of Oklahoma to major in biology. I hope to attend
their med school after that.