Madill’s Dahlia Marris – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by AAA Insurance

Dahlia Marris  – Madill High School Softball, Powerlifting, and Archery

by Scott Metz

Madill High School senior Dahlia Marris is a multisport athlete, playing fastpitch and slow-pitch softball, being a powerlifter, and also does archery. Dahlia plays both the positions of shortstop and pitcher for the Madill High School Wildcats. She has been playing softball for many years, with beginnings rooted in tee ball. She started powerlifting during her sophomore year, and began archery during her junior year. 

Dahlia is proud to represent her school and community. Dahlia explained, “This small community has supported me so much throughout my softball career – not only with school ball, but also my travel ball as well. I am nothing but grateful to play, representing the small town of Madill. “

As far as what motivates Dahila, she stated, “My coaches motivate me with lots of pep talks and they are always pushing me to get through the tough games.” 

Dahlia has words of wisdom that she hopes will impact other. Dahlia proclaimed, “Some words of advice for the kids just starting their sports career: go to practice and work hard. You need to be coachable and do not be afraid to make mistakes. Be the one that stands out, and that is the first one to pick up a teammate when they are down. Also do not forget to have fun. Do not be scared to branch out and make friends.  Make it enjoyable. You can only do your sport for so long, so when it is over, you will have all the happy and fun memories with all the friends you made along the way.”

“The highlight of my career is probably when a parent comes to me asking if I could talk to their kid and give them advice that helps me in my game. It makes me happy knowing I can give that to them after everything they did for me.”

After graduating from high school, Dahlia plans to pursue higher education. Dahlia stated, “My plans after graduation are to go play college softball somewhere while I study Kinesiology, and branch out to make new lifelong friendships.”