The high school years can be busy and sometimes stressful for students. Along with preparing what they are going to do with their future and also trying to have a fun social life. Finding that balance can get tough, but Amanda Friesen says that it is important for parents to help their students with this.
“I think it’s very important to model those priorities early in life,” she said. “I think high school is really a time and place where kids can practice managing their priorities, discovering what their own values and priorities are and how they fit into the world, and also trying and failing in a safe environment before they go out on their own.”
Friesen and her husband, Nathan, have two sons. Luke is a junior at Elk City High School and he plays football, is a member of chamber choir, the National Honor Society, the Key Club and the Student Council. Mason is a 2023 graduate of Elk City and is a sophomore at Georgetown University.
Amanda is the Assistant Principal at Elk City High School, but she is also involved in a few other things.
“We are members of the Elk City Football Booster Club,” she said. “I also serve on the Board of Directors for our local food pantry, HELP Inc., and I also serve on the executive committee for the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administrators.”
As a parent, Friesen says that it is helpful to know that your kids are getting great support, not just at home, but also in the school and community.
“I think it’s easier when you know they’re getting great coaching, but even more importantly, it’s easy when you know they’re spending time around good humans who are teaching them important character qualities and life skills,” Amanda said. “We have that with our coaches at Elk City. I also love the way this community supports all things with our schools. We are so fortunate to have a town that cares about and actively invests in the lives of our young students. Whether it’s showing up to games or sponsoring an activity or organization financially, this town turns out to support the Brown and White, and we are really grateful for that.”