9 Q’s with Altus’ Olivia Williams – Presented by Cattlemens Bank

VYPE: What grade are you in this year and how long have you played volleyball? Olivia: I’m in 10th grade and this is my 4th year playing volleyball. VYPE: Which professional athlete do you look up to? Olivia: The athlete I look up to is Serena Williams. Her love for the game is unmatched. Her […]

Altus’ Brooklyn Gambill – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Chad Lee State Farm

Throughout an athlete’s career, there are moments that stand out for a variety of reasons. It could be a personal accomplishment or a team achievement, or just something funny that happened during play. Altus’ Brooklyn Gambill has one moment that stands out as her favorite. “The highlight moment of my career has to be when […]

9 Q’s with Altus’ Evyn Bull – Presented by Jackson County Ortho

VYPE: What grade are you in this year and how long have you played? Evyn: I’m a sophomore and I’ve been playing volleyball since 7th grade. VYPE: Jump serve or standing serve? Which do you prefer and why? Evyn: I stand serve because I am more consistent with stand serving and because I can place […]

Ok Ag Credit FFA Spotlight with Chayse Marshall of MacArthur High School

MacArthur High School sophomore Chayse Marshall is a member of the FFA chapter at school, which she joined when she entered the eighth grade.  “I first got involved in eighth grade and now I’m a sophomore but honestly, I have been around it my entire life. I would say my dad encouraged me to get […]

Altus Area Fans Choice – Presented By Bar S Foods

Quarterback Remington Laughlin – Mangum Coming back from a torn labrum, Remington has added 15 pounds of muscle in the offseason. He has a strong arm but can also be a threat on the ground as well if necessary. Running Back Johnny Fernandez – Tipton Johnny makes up for his lack of size with a […]