Marlow’s Kory Scott – Basketball Spotlight – Presented by Dusty Corp, Shelter Insurance

Kory Scott – Marlow High School

When game day rolls around, athletes like Kory Scott don their uniform with their school’s colors and name. Scott says that when she hits the court, she knows that she is playing for more than just herself. She is also playing for the name on the front of the uniform.

“Being a representation of Marlow is huge for me,” she said. “They represent good sportsmanship well and we take pride when we play so I try to give it my best everytime I play for a crowd.”

Kory is a junior at Marlow High School. She is a member of the pom, basketball, and golf teams. Throughout her athletic career, she has made a lot of memories and had some exciting moments. As she looks back, there are a few that stand out as her favorite.

“My highlight moment is winning the team conference in golf last year while placing third as a sophomore,” she said. “Also, taking three charges in the Duncan basketball game last year.”

It has taken a lot of work and dedication for Scott to become the athlete that she is today. Along with all that work, she says that having a great group around her is important too.

“It has taken hard talks, hard practices, and disappointment,” she said. “My teammates, coaches, and the expectations that I set for myself motivate me to keep working. The girls around me are my biggest influencers because they can either show you how to act or not to act.”

As a high school athlete, along with improving her game, it is also important for Kory to excel in the classroom so that she is able to play.  It is important to find a balance between the two.

“Finding time for school is hard especially if you have homework,” she said. “But finding time to work outside of practice is easy if you love what you’re doing.”

Her basketball coach, Megan Robbins, has had a big impact on Kory’s life.

“Coach Robbins has shown me that hard work and effort is what is going to drive you to be your best and she has believed in me and wants me to be the best I can be.”