Duncan’s KayLee Smith – FFA Spotlight – Presented by Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma

Duncan High School sophomore KayLee Smith joined her FFA chapter in her first year of high school. Smith is the latest in a long line of family members who have spent time in the FFA program.

“I have several FFA alumni in my immediate family so getting to go and watch them show pigs helped spark my interest many years ago,” said Smith.

Smith serves as the chapter treasurer and is a member of the Duncan FFA officer team.

“What I enjoy most about being a part of the FFA is the people, I love being able to meet new people and it helps me step out of my comfort zone. I’m involved of public speaking and livestock showing,” said Smith. “I show barrows and sometimes guilts.”

When Smith is not in FFA, you can probably find her competing in cross country.

“Other than FFA and cross country, I’m a part of the Duncan track team and chorale (singing and dancing). I started cross country at 13 years old. I love getting to go to other towns that I probably wouldn’t have ever gotten to see without cross country,” said Smith.

Smith said her father inspires her and pushes her to be the best version of herself she can be.

“My dad keeps me out of my head from thinking I may not be good enough and keeps me from backing down in situations where I’m scared,” said Smith.

After high school, Smith would like to get a degree in cosmetology and have it as a hobby or job while she pursues law school to become a criminal defense lawyer.