Minco’s Riley Beck – Basketball Spotlight – Presented by Community Bank of Oklahoma

Riley Beck loves sports. He plays basketball and baseball for the Minco Bulldogs. It is not much of a surprise that he plays these two sports, especially if you know his family lineage.

“Both of my grandpas have been big influences and role models in my life,” Riley said. “Richard Beck and the late Doug Crawford are both members of the Oklahoma Coaches Hall of Fame for their respective sports: basketball and baseball. Not only were they great coaches and have taught me a lot about my sports but they are both great role models and really show what it means to be a great person.”

Beck is in his senior year at Minco. Along with sports, he is also involved with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the National Honor Society, Business Professionals of America, and the Minco Academic Team.

Beck has invested a lot of time and effort so that he can be at the top of his game when the season rolls around.

“It takes hard work and dedication in order to be successful,” he said. “I love getting shots up, I love getting in the gym by myself, and I’m a film junkie. You can always find me watching film of myself or opponents. Coach Hill sets a goal for his players to make 10,000 shots each summer and I have completed it all six years that I’ve played for him.”

Along with hard work, it also takes perseverance and not giving up when things get tough. That is when you find out what kind of athlete you are.
“I wouldn’t say I have had a true career defining moment, but the highlight of my career so far is just making the starting lineup,” he said. “And being able to keep my spot even though I had some tough shooting games down the stretch.”

When he competes, Riley is proud to wear the Bulldog uniform and play for his school.

“It means a lot to me,” he said. “Minco is such a great school with an amazing community. It’s really close knit and it feels like almost everyone is your friend in a way.”

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