Chickasha’s Jackson Finck – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Mosley Insurance

Jackson Finck is a multi-sport athlete at Chickasha High School. He has worked hard to get
to where he is and hoped to continue to improve his game.
“Being successful in my sports has taken a lot of perseverance, patience, consistency and
hard work,” he said. “What motivates me most is working towards being the best I can be.”
A senior at Chickasha High School, Finck plays basketball and baseball. He is also involved
in Student Government and the National Honor Society.
There have been people throughout Jackson’s life that have had an impact on him and
helped shape him into the person he is today.
“My biggest influence is my Dad,” Finck stated. “He has never missed one of my games and
is always pushing me towards success. A teacher that has been impactful would have to be
Mrs. Jantzen because she has been super supportive of my goals.”
Jackson has made a lot of memories over his career but he has one that stands out as his

“The highlight of my career has been making it to the semi finals in the state tournament in
baseball,” he recalled. “It felt really great to see our hard work pay off.”
Being able to wear the Chickasha uniform is not something that Finck takes for granted.
“It means a great deal to me,” he stated. “I want to make the school and community proud
by acting in such a way to give Chickasha a good name.”
Along with working hard to be successful in his sports, Jackson works just as hard to be
successful in the classroom.
“To balance school and activities for me takes a lot of discipline,” he said. “I’ve learned the
best way to succeed is to have a set schedule and get work done early.”