Who doesn’t enjoy playing video games? For Conner Dosher, a freshman at Western Oklahoma State University, playing videos games is part of his college experience.
Dosher is a member of the e-Sports team at WOSC and a meteorology major.
“Halo is the main game I play, but I also play Call of Duty on occasion. I’m working on classes to major in meteorology,” said Dosher.
Being a member of the e-Sports team was only one factor that helped Dosher make his decision to enroll at WOSC.
“I had toured WOSC while I was in high school and still unsure of where I wanted to go. I think that it being so close to home, along with it being a school that I could use as a steppingstone to go to a bigger university, made me settle on it. It’s a very nice school with friendly people, which made it so much easier to pick,” said Dosher.
The Altus High School graduate said he enjoys he close he has become with many of the fellow classmates and teammates.
“I love how close-knit we are. A lot of the people I knew from high school and came to WOSC as well, but I’ve met plenty of new people here. In the short time I’ve known them, we’ve gotten to know each other very well. There haven’t been many times when a group of people welcomed others in with open arms like they do here,” said Dosher.
Despite being a freshman in his first semester of college, Dosher said anyone entering college for the first time should be prepared to stay focused on their work and not be afraid to get out and meet people.
“Make sure you stay on top of your work and to go out and meet others. I’ve found out that college is the best place to make friends and meet new people,” said Dosher.
The e-Sports program at WOSC has several team members. Dosher said he’s had the opportunity to play with most of them.
“I’ve got three teammates that I directly play and practice with, but between the program, I’ve dealt with about 13 players that play other games. They play Overwatch, Call of Duty, Halo, Rainbow Six Siege, and Super Smash Bros,” Dosher said. “We compete against other Oklahoma based colleges. However, depending on the tournaments, we compete against teams from across the country.”
When he has free time, Dosher said he enjoys hanging out with his friends.
“I’m a big outdoorsman, so I love hunting, fishing, and hiking. And of course, I enjoy playing video games.”