9 Questions with Altus’ Emily Davis – Presented by Red River Federal Credit Union

Vype: Name and Grade?

Emily: Emily Davis; 11th Grade

Vype: How long have you played Tennis?

Emily: Since 8th grade

Vype: What makes being a student-athlete at Altus special for you?

Emily: Being apart of the bulldog family

Vype:  Do you have a favorite place to play? Why?

Emily: No I don’t have a favorite place

Vype: What do you do in the down time between events?

Emily: I relax and play word search on my iPad

Vype: How do you define leadership? What do you do to example leadership with your team?

Emily: I define leadership as someone who can take charge when needed. I usually just help lead stretches when needed and hold everyone accountable for warm up and cool downs

Vype: What clubs or groups are you involved in at school?

Emily: I am involved in Nation Honor Society, Link crew, and blue crew

Vype: Name three people you would want with you in a zombie apocalypse?

Emily: My dad, my mom, and my sister Dani

Vype: What do you love most about your teammates?

Emily: I love that they can always make me laugh

Vype: Who on the team keeps everyone laughing, who is the most serious and who has the best impression of your coach?

Emily: Jordyn Baker keeps everyone laughing. Savannah Clothier is the most serious on the team and also does the best impression of Coach Garrison

Vype: What is your favorite pre-game and post game meal?

Emily: My favorite pre meet and post track meal is some type of pasta

Vype: What opponent do you look forward to playing this season?

Emily: I don’t have an opponent I look forward to seeing 

Vype: What event would you like to try one day?

Emily: I have always wanted to try the steeple chase

Vype: What are your plans after you graduate?

Emily: I plan to go to college and get a degree in dentistry

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