Elk City’s Erin Womack – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by P&M Auto Service

Golf is a family affair for Erin Womack. “I got into playing golf because my family loves it and we love playing together. My dad even taught me how to play when I first started. I’m passionate about this sport because of my love for it!”

Erin is a sophomore at Elk City. She takes pride in being a good representation of the Brown and White. Her most memorable accomplishment is qualifying for and playing at the state golf tournament her first year playing for ECHS.

Enjoying the outdoors while competing is Erin’s favorite part about her sport. She has also learned valuable lessons that will help her throughout life. “Golf taught me that you can’t let bad things get the best of you! In golf if you hit a bad shot or have a bad round it is easy to get frustrated but you can’t let those feelings affect the rest of your round,” she says.

Erin spends a lot of time on the course with her teammates. Each teammate has left an impression on her in some way so picking one who leaves the biggest impression is difficult. “All my teammates have left big impressions on me but if I had to pick one, I would say Jayden Manning. She is the sweetest and funniest person to be around!” exclaims Erin.

Family plays a huge role in Erin’s success on the course. “I would like to say ‘thank you’ to my parents for everything they’ve done. Whether it is coming to tournaments or my dad trying to help me fix my swing on the range. I appreciate them!” Her older brother Nathan is also an important person in her life. Whether it is golf or school, Erin is inspired by the dedication he puts into everything he does.

Erin’s favorite teacher is Mrs. Simon. “She really cares about you and your education and is also so fun to be around.”

Golf is not Erin’s only skill. She also enjoys singing. It is one of her favorite hobbies. She shares this talent while singing for her church and as a member of the ECHS choir.

After high school, Erin plans to continue playing golf at the collegiate level and earn her degree in elementary education.