Elgin’s Addyson Hatfield – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Arvest Bank

Addyson Hatfield has worked hard in order to become the best basketball player she can be. As a guard for the Elgin Owls basketball team, she also enjoys being a part of this team.

“It takes lots of dedication, hard work, and passion to be successful in basketball,” she said. “I am motivated to play because of the fun I have and the relationships I get to build.”

A junior, Hatfield also plays trumpet for the Elgin band. A new member of the Elgin community and school, Addyson says she has been welcomed and is proud to play for the Owls.

“It has been a challenge this year to jump right into a new basketball program,” she said. “But I’m so very thankful for my family, coaches, and teammates who have supported me. Representing Elgin feels like a big responsibility because I moved here only six months ago. I want to make everyone proud and represent Elgin the best I can.”

Throughout her life, there have been many people that have had an impact on Addyson’s life and helped shape her into the person that she is today.

“My parents are my role models,” she said. “They have loved and supported me in every aspect of my life. I am so thankful for them. I think my seventh grade teacher had a big impact on my life, specifically because she taught me the valuable lesson that my enthusiasm is infectious and to remain excited about the things I care about. I continue to apply that guidance to multiple areas of my life today.”

While she loves to compete on the court, Hatfield knows that will only be possible if she is successful in the classroom. She says that in order to balance both, you have to know your priorities.

“For me, it takes time management,” she said. “I have put aside time to practice and time to do school work.”