What do sports have to do with staying motivated and disciplined? According to Israel Hernandez, sports has everything to do with it! Israel says that those things are what sports have taught him throughout his athletic career. He’s also learned that an athletes determination and motivation are the difference from a regular athlete or a great one.
Israel has loved sports from the first moment he started participating in them in first grade. His favorite part about sports is the start of a new season. Getting to meet new teammates and reconnect with previous ones, and starting new before buckling down makes this time of the season the funnest for him.
Israel participates in cross-country, soccer, and track and is a senior at Duncan High School. His favorite subject is English, and his favorite teacher is Mr. Holthe, because “he always tries his best to help the students understand math and he makes pretty good jokes.” In his free time, he likes to hang out with friends and family and play video games.
Israel’s biggest role model is his dad. He says that his dad has always pushed forward; no matter what the circumstances were. His mom is who keeps him motivated, because she’s always there for him. His parents have made the biggest positive impact on his life by always pushing him to be the best version of himself.
The highest moment in his sports career so far was placing 16th in state in cross-country, and has received all district player three years in a row in soccer; “soon to be all state this year,” he says. After high school, Israel is undecided on what he would like to study, but hopes to be able to continue his sports career on to the collegiate level.
Israel’s advice to his fellow athletes is “to just always push through, no matter how hard it gets or who’s better than you. It’s always you against yourself.”
By Ariel Casida