Q&A with Weatherford’s Anahi Nunez – Presented by CJ’s Southwest Tire

VYPE: What grade are you in and what sports and clubs are you involved in? Ahani: I am a junior at Weatherford High School. I am a part of the cheer team, as well as Student Council, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, and the Key Club. VYPE: What has your sport taught you […]
Q&A with Weatherford’s Yahir Chavez – Presented by Gabe’s Twisted Wrench

VYPE: What grade are you in and what sports do you compete in? Yahir: I am a junior at Weatherford High School. I play soccer and football. VYPE: What has your sport taught you that makes you a better person? Yahir: Soccer has taught me to never give up even when times are hard and […]