Q&A with Comanche’s Easton Bowen – Presented by Dusty Corp – Shelter Insurance

VYPE: What grade are you in and what sports do you play? Easton: I am a freshman at Comanche and I play basketball and golf. VYPE: Who is your favorite teacher from any grade? Easton: My favorite teacher is Mr. Alvarado. He is always there if I need him, and is always supporting me with […]
Duncan’s Sydney Miller- Soccer Spotlight – Presented by Dusty Corp – Shelter Insurance

The stands were packed—a rare sight for a Duncan High School girls’ soccer game. Sydney Miller, then a junior defender, stood firm on the field during the first playoff game ever hosted by the girls’ soccer team. It was a historic match on April 29, 2024, against Southeast High School. The team had been reminded […]
Duncan’s Addison Richards – Soccer Spotlight – Presented by Delaine Parker – Shelter Insurance

Some athletes play a sport because they love the game and want to be a part of it. For others, it is the social aspect and building camaraderie. But for Addison Richards, it is somewhere in the middle. “I enjoy playing the game of soccer,” she said. “I am very competitive and have a desire […]
Rush Springs’ Chris Crow – Basketball Spotlight – Presented by Coaches Corner

Chris Crow is a senior at Rush Springs High School. He participates in football, basketball, and baseball, and is currently taking classes at his local votech. Chris got his start with sports when he was around 7-8 years old. He loved playing the sports and then seeing others play them on tv. His favorite part […]