Chickasha’s Lindy Butler – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Focus Federal Credit Union

Lindy Butler, a Chickasha High School junior cheerleader, lives by the 100% rule. “I would say that I always make sure to give cheer 100% of what I have in me that day,” Butler said. “I’m not perfect, and my 100% looks different every single day, but I do my best to work hard every […]
Velma-Alma’s Ryker Sanner – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Sanner Pipe & Salvage

Athletes always want to be at their best when it comes time to compete. In order to do that, they have to invest a lot of time and effort and even overcome any obstacles that end up in their way. Ryker Sanner has worked hard but also had to learn to shut out the negative […]
Velma-Alma’s Brodric Spigner – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Sanner Pipe & Salvage

Brodric Spigner has participated in sports for a number of years. He currently plays football, basketball, and runs track for the Velma-Alma Comets. During his time competing, he has made a lot of memories and had some memorable moments. While he has enjoyed all of them, he has some that stand out as his favorite. […]
9 Q’s with Comanche’s Victoria Apple – Presented by Dusty Corp – Shelter Insurance

VYPE: What grade are you in this year and how long have you been cheering? Victoria:I am a senior and I have cheered since my sophomore year. VYPE: What is your favorite part about representing your high school as an athlete? Victoria: My favorite part about representing myself as a high school athlete is getting […]
Duncan’s Isreal Hernandez – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Dusty Corp – Shelter Insurance

What do sports have to do with staying motivated and disciplined? According to Israel Hernandez, sports has everything to do with it! Israel says that those things are what sports have taught him throughout his athletic career. He’s also learned that an athletes determination and motivation are the difference from a regular athlete or a […]